This is a blog of ongoing projects starting with: 1) Antarctica -Dec. 2006 - February 2007 2) Work made from the experience 2008 3) Nevada Feb. - Oct. 2008

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Sucker Done dried up itself

Stuff still proliferating on the blogoshere about Carbon Sink. The faculty member who made the initial remark to me back in November about no one making the connection between dying forests and coal being shipped out of the state on a daily basis has this to say about it:

"I must also say, as I'm sure many already have, that it was absolutely delightful, energizing, and thrilling to discover that the arts have such subversive political potential that an installation can threaten the socioeconomic hegemony of the energy industry in Wyoming."

Meanwhile we came across this strange thing on Lake Hattie out in Big Hollow.

This is what a local Geologist has to say about it:

"Yup, them thangs is concretions. But they ain't made outa concrete! Nope, most probable they's from calcium carbonate concentrated in the mud on the bottom of the late Cretaceous ocean. But where's that ocean at? Damned if I know, maybe the sucker done dried itself up!


william martin said...

"I must also say, as I'm sure many already have, that it was absolutely delightful, energizing, and thrilling to discover that the arts have such subversive political potential that an installation can threaten the socioeconomic hegemony of the energy industry in Wyoming."

BeeGardenArtist said...

I love the earthiness of the geologist's response as much as the 'concretion'. It's far more real and to the point than a lot of the stuff we artists try and say (specially once we've been to art school)!