This is a blog of ongoing projects starting with: 1) Antarctica -Dec. 2006 - February 2007 2) Work made from the experience 2008 3) Nevada Feb. - Oct. 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Explorers at the Edge of the Void + detail
Hand written text in ink on an inkjet print on artists paper. 106 x 235 cm.

Not long after I returned from Antarctica, my wife and i were invited to CERN to see the new Hadron Collider under construction. The experiment which is due to take place this year, will attempt to prove the Theory of everything, which will mimic the Big Bang and give us an insight into the origins of the Universe. It will also bring to a conclusion nearly a century of research into the nature and origins of matter;  the strange Zen-like world of particle physics, which places man and his thinking as part of the equation rather than outside of it.
This is something which has always intrigued me and it struck me that this century of research into the smallest and largest universes, went hand in hand with the exploration of the last uncharted place on Earth; Antarctica.
Einstein, plank, Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen were all contemporary explorers. They were looking at absolute matter and absolute mind. Nature was in all senses, a blank white canvas of exploration. It is ironic that instead of seeing the truth of what it means to be a part of nature, society has continued to dominate it, often using science, and the result is the devastating climate change we see today and which is so evident in the melting glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsular.
This work reads from the bottom up, starting with a mix of Antarctic explorers and Nobel Laureate physicists, splitting into two distinct groups divided by 'the theory of everything' and 'everything nothing'. It culminates in the equations which go to make up the four forces of Nature that constitute the Theory of Everything: Quantum Chromodynamics, Lagrangian, Electromagnetic and Quantum Mechanics. If the experiment works we will see the particle tracks of the Higgs Bosun theory; what Leon Lederman called 'The God Particle'.

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