This is a blog of ongoing projects starting with: 1) Antarctica -Dec. 2006 - February 2007 2) Work made from the experience 2008 3) Nevada Feb. - Oct. 2008

Monday, January 30, 2012

Three Things

First thing: Landscapes of Exploration:
Here is the link:
I am showing 5 works:

Iceprint 1

Lake Concordia

Double Echo

Wind Vortex

Second Thing:

Last thing:
I have just completed a woven map of Wyoming


It is a topographical map woven with a Geological map of the state. The border is coal dust and Wyoming earth. The pattern is wind blowing off the Rockies. Size: 3’4” x 4’1.5”.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thixendale image

Last aired on Countryfile on 8th January. The grass still hasn't taken on some of the mounds. I think the seed was washed away in the rain. It will need to be re seeded in the spring and will open formerly in June.